Download free batman gotham knights game
Download free batman gotham knights game

At a press of a button, the Dark Knight-inspired mechanical motorcycle phases into existence, facing the direction you’re running, and even starts moving if you begin to sprint.

download free batman gotham knights game

If you want a speedier way to get through the city, you can always call your bat-bike. The grappling hook is like a combination of the heroic-fantasy in Marvel’s Spider-Man, where you swing through your city as protector and defender constantly looking to snuff out crime, and the zombie survival game Dying Light which uses the grappling hook as an additional tool in your movement arsenal. Such a simple tool, but it made me feel like Gotham is my stomping ground as I leap from rooftop to rooftop, chasing down criminals below. It’s child’s play to scale skyscrapers, simply looking at ledges or high platforms and tapping ‘F’ when the grapple icon appears.

download free batman gotham knights game

That smoothness also extends to your utility belt, with the grappling hook becoming this lazy crimefighter’s best friend.

Download free batman gotham knights game